
Making a donation makes a difference in your community

Your donation saves homes – and families – and enables people to move forward from financial crisis to security and prosperity.

Financial Protection Law Center is a private, nonprofit 501(c)3 organization (ID 56-2262315) that relies on private donations from individuals, foundations, and local businesses.

FPLC respects the privacy of all of our donors. We never sell or exchange donor information.

Ways You Can Help

General Donation

General Donation

Provide protection, representation, and support.

Monthly or Recurring Gift

Monthly or Recurring Gift

Want to help on a more consistent basis or break-up your donation over time? You can give monthly or quarterly to protect low-income neighbors.

Tribute Gift

Tribute Gift

Donate in honor or memory of someone important in your life. We will send a card to let the person know about your gift. Simply check the box that says you want to dedicate your gift to get started.

Business Partners and Annual Sponsors

Contact April Cheers for more information:

Workplace Giving

Check if your employer offers matching or has an option to donate via automatic payroll deduction. It’s an easy, consistent, and thoughtful way to help.

Donate Stocks or Mutual Funds

Donating appreciated securities – such as stock or mutual funds – to the Financial Protection Law Center is a tax-wise strategy to support our work. Contact April Cheers for more information:

Planned Gifts

You can leave a legacy through a variety of planned gifts. The most common planned gift is a bequest.

Business Partners and Annual Sponsors

If you have any questions about making a donation or would like more information, email April Cheers at

Protection. Representation. Respect. Professionalism. Experience. Low or No Cost. 20+ Years Protecting and Serving Neighbors in Need